Webmaster, websites, intranet design & SEO
Some of the sites I am webmaster to
I define being the webmaster of a site as the person who set up the website, runs the daily working of it, oversees it, makes changes and updates where applicable. I am responsible for the "look and feel" of these sites not only when in the design and build stage, but also thereafter. I also consider SEO (search engine optimisation) to be part of my position, ensuring it's ranking with Google, and generally conforming to web standards, whereas website design I see as having designed and/or built the site and then handed it over to the client when/if this is their desire. I have also put Intranet design into this category as it is the design of elements, rather than building of the full site itself.

A website, built in conjunction with an existing ISP as per client preferences. These images where done as pages, segments and included mock-ups and site structure for the ISP to work from.

I also set up a website for the company Vida Oils (after doing their logo, corporate identity, etc). On this occasion the client wanted to webmaster his own site after the initial setup, so we used Squarespace for this.

I cut my teeth on Wix doing a website for myself when I first started freelancing. The design has changed dramatically over the years, but it was an excellent starting point o test the limitations of a "user friendly" website builder.

A website, built in conjunction with an existing ISP as per client preferences. These images where done as pages, segments and included mock-ups and site structure for the ISP to work from.
I have also provided all the necessary elements for websites on request, be it structure, images or whatever else may be required including images for flash projects, World AIDS Day Websites, and Intranet solutions for Pfizer and other companies.

Designing the front-end of a retail marketing program

Assisted with images etc. for a program which helped with healthy lifestyles

Each of the over 100 websites has their own look, feel, colors and branding

Unique website for client

Intranet site planning for Pfizer

Interactive online elements

Graphics for homepage design

ABSA branded login

ABSA Branded page

Pleiades Media Social Network banner

TruthIsTheWord social media banner

Developing Website for MediDerm

Developing Website for MediDerm

Developing Website for MediDerm

Developing Website for MediDerm

In-house screen solution for Afrox template populated by their system with news etc.

In-house screen solution for Afrox template populated by their system with news etc.

In-house screen solution for Afrox template populated by their system with news etc.

In-house screen solution for Afrox template populated by their system with news etc.

In-house screen solution for Afrox template populated by their system with news etc.

In-house screen solution for Afrox template populated by their system with news etc.

In-house screen solution for Afrox template populated by their system with news etc.

In-house screen solution for Afrox template populated by their system with news etc.

In-house screen solution for Afrox template populated by their system with news etc.

In-house screen solution for Afrox template populated by their system with news etc.

In-house screen solution for Afrox template populated by their system with news etc.

In-house screen solution for Afrox template populated by their system with news etc.

In-house screen solution for Afrox template populated by their system with news etc.

Example of Pfizer Intranet page

Water bottle label for ICAS

Water bottle label

On-screen presentation for Aveng Moolmans mining group

On-screen presentation for Aveng Moolmans mining group

On-screen presentation for Aveng Moolmans mining group

On-screen presentation for Aveng Moolmans mining group

On-screen presentation for Aveng Moolmans mining group

On-screen presentation for Aveng Moolmans mining group

Huge infographic for ABI

Huge infographic for ABI
SEO is the process of getting traffic from the “free,” “organic,” “editorial” or “natural” search results on search engines.
All major search engines (Google, Bing, etc) have primary search results, where web pages and other content such as videos or local listings are shown and ranked based on what the search engine considers most relevant to users. There are people who specialise only in SEO, however, I try to include it with webmaster tasks. I consider a decent SEO ranking when the site appears in the first 3 pages of any major search engine. Optimally, the site should be listed multiple times on the first results pages.
Here is the site "Truth is The Word" when "googled":